Victor R. Volkman – Maximizing eBook Sales on all Platforms: Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iBook, and library wholesalers

On May 17th, 2012 Tyler R. Tichelaar and Susan Violante spoke with editor, publisher, and entrepreneur Victor R. Volkmanabout how to get maximum revenue from your eBook platforms.  Victor has made getting total market coverage in ebooks, the fastest growing media market, the centerpiece of his strategy for the past 18 months.  In that time period, he has added sales channels on Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook, and Kobo platforms as well as entered agreements with ProQuest eBrary, Content Reserve’s Overdrive, and other library wholesalers to maximize market share. Our talk covered all points of the eBook compass including:

  • How can a self-publisher compete against big name companies like Random House in the ebook market?
  • How have ebooks impacted publishers’ sales mix over the last year?
  • What are the major eReader platforms and how are their market shares?
  • Are there platform-independent stores?
  • What’s the deal with Amazon KDP Select?
  • What are library wholesalers (Content Reserve, Proquest eBrary, EBSCO) and what kind of pricing do they require?
  • Why would I want my eBook in a library?
  • Should I use SmashWords?
  • How can you manage price changes with multiple vendors?’
  • What is book metadata and how important is it in the big picture?

Victor R. Volkman

Victor R. Volkman

Victor R. Volkman published his first book in 2003 and soon discovered many others needed help in producing self-help, personal growth, and trauma recovery books. His company Loving Healing Press and imprints including Modern History Press, Marvelous Spirit Press have since produced more than 150 books in hardcover, paperback, and eBook.He has personally edited more than a dozen anthologies including

Authors Access: 30 Success Secrets for Authors and Publishers

Authors Access: 30 Success Secrets for Authors and Publishers

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eBook Sales by Platform

eBook Sales by Platform


About Victor Volkman

Author of "Beyond Trauma: Conversations on Traumatic Incident Reduction" and six other books.
This entry was posted in eBooks, Kindle, Libraries, Marketing, Victor Volkman. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Victor R. Volkman – Maximizing eBook Sales on all Platforms: Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iBook, and library wholesalers

  1. Jill Osborne says:

    What an interesting breakdown. I wonder how the numbers are different between adult books and children’s books. 😛

  2. Anecdotally speaking, the Apple iBook seems to be #2 in Children’s eBooks, behind Amazon still in the #1 position. I have to assume that it’s because of the large installed base of iPads and the fact that many older Kindles are black-and-white (like the one I own!)

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