On October 20 Irene Watson and Brad Grochowski spoke with Julie Ann Stricklin about what every author must know before buying and/or commissioning artwork. Julie is an author, independent Illustrator, graphic designer, and fine artist working in the field since 1985. She constantly alternates her passion for design work, illustration and fine art. These passions have created a body of work that includes the illustration of six children’s books. We spoke with her about several key concepts of collaborating with an illustrator:
Each book Julie Ann Stricklin has worked on has it’s own individual illustrative style. Her books include: The Mysterious Missing Pixie Pond and Down Turtle Trail. Julie’s graphic pieces have been chosen as well as published in hard cover art books, that showcase American designers use of new and unique exploration in visual inventiveness. Julie’s client list for fine art is as eclectic as her styles, ranging from corporate banks, business accounts, publishers, pro athletes, and actors and well as local and international commissions. |
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