On Thursday, July 27th, 2007 Irene Watson and Victor Volkman spoke with Jacqueline Marcell, best-selling author on eldercare, about how to get celebrity endorsements. She shares her secrets of how she obtained more than 50 prestigious endorsements including Hugh Downs, Regis Philbin, John Hopkins Memory Clinic, Duke University Center for Aging, Dr. Nancy Snyderman of NBC News, John D. Rockefeller IV, Leeza Gibbons, Ed Asner, Dr. Dean Edell, and others. Jacqueline says her missions are to: bring attention to the importance of long-term care planning; encourage funding for Alzheimer’s research and heighten early diagnosis awareness; enlighten healthcare professionals how they can better help the families they work with; provide solutions and hope to caregivers; expose elder abuse and exploitation. | ![]() |
Jacqueline Marcell was so compelled by a year of being the sole caregiver to her challenging elderly father and sweet but ailing mother (both with early Alzheimer’s not properly diagnosed for over a year), that once she figured everything out, medically and behaviorally, she gave up her stalled career as a television executive to become an advocate for eldercare awareness and reform. Determination to save others from a similar experience resulted in Jacqueline’s first best-selling book which written with a humorous twist on a serious subject. “Elder Rage, or Take My Father… Please! How to Survive Caring for Aging Parents.” It became a Book-of-the-Month Club selection; is required text at numerous universities for courses in geriatric assessment and management; and is being considered for a feature film.She is a big fan of www.BlurbsForYourBooks.com which is mentioned se veral times in the show but please use the above link because a lot of people have mistyped it. Thanks |
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