On Tuesday, August 5th 2008 Irene Watson and Victor R. Volkman spoke with Jo Virgil, Community Relations Manager (CRM) at the Sunset Valley Barnes & Noble store in Austin, TX. Jo shared the secrets of what it takes to get a book placed in a bookstore outlet, who to contact to get it in there, what kind of marketing is effective, and how to keep your book on the shelf. Along the way, she busts several cherished myths about the relationship between bookstores and authors. This is one podcast that EVERY author should listen to. | |
Jo Virgil has served as a Community Relations Manager for Barnes & Noble for many years. She currently works at the Sunset Valley store in South Austin. A major component of her job is working with authors to produce successful events and book signings. She has worked as a feature writer, reporter, and columnist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and loves to dabble in any kind of writing, fiction and non-fiction. She has a Master’s degree in Journalism with a minor in Environmental Science, reflecting her love of writing as well as her deep appreciation of and respect for nature. She is Vice President of the Board of the Writers’ League of Texas and also serves on the Board of the Central Texas Storytelling Guild |
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