On May 14th, 2009 Victor R. Volkman and Tyler Tichelaar spoke with Internet marketing entrepreneur Irene Watson on how to effectively engage the persona (or archetype) of the visitors to your website. She has been effective in online marketing since 2004, learning and implementing various techniques to promote her books and businesses. We talked about
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Irene Watson is the managing editor of Reader Views, Reader Views Kids, and Inside Scoop Live. She also maintains BloggingAuthors.com. She is the author of The Sitting Swing: Finding Wisdom to Know the Difference, and co-editor of A Story That Must Be Told and Authors Access: 30 Success Secrets for Authors and Publishers.During this interview, we mentioned the following essential books:
- Agents
- Alan E. Smith
- Amazon.com
- audiobooks
- Authors Afterburner
- Authors Resources
- Bi-lingual
- Blogging
- Book Contests
- Book Design
- Book Development
- Book Research
- Book Reviews
- Book Reviews
- Book Video Trailers
- Bookstores
- Branding
- Business
- Carolyn Howard-Johnson
- Cartoons
- Childrens Books
- Christian books
- Coaching
- Cookbooks
- Copyright and Trademark
- Debbie Herald
- eBooks
- Edna Washington
- Educational Books
- Ethnic
- Events
- Fiction
- Freelancing
- Genres
- Getting Published
- Ghostwriting
- Greeting Cards
- Guests
- Historical Books
- Historical Fiction
- Humor
- iPad
- Irene Watson
- Journalism
- Ken MacLean
- Kindle
- Libraries
- Marketing
- Media Interviews
- Memoir
- Mysteries
- New Books
- New Releases
- Non-Traditional Sales
- Nonfiction
- Personas
- Platform
- Podcasting
- podcasts
- Poetry
- Press Releases
- Print On Demand (POD)
- Publicists
- Publishers Resources
- Readers Resources
- Regional Books
- Romance
- Schedule
- Schools
- Sci-Fi
- Screenwriting
- Self-Publishing
- Shel Horowitz
- Social Media
- Songwriting
- Speaking
- Subsidy Publishing
- Technology
- Travel
- Tyler Tichelaar
- Uncategorized
- Vanity Press
- Victor Volkman
- Videos
- Websites
- Writer's Block
- Writing
Authors Access Book!