UPDATE: Our interview was postponed this week due to a medical emergency. We hope to have Marjaree back in April/May 2007 for this very important show.
On Thursday, February 8th, 2007 at 8PM EDT we spoke with Marjaree Stapperfenne, managing editor of www.abetterbewrite.com. She shared with us some great “inside” tips on how to get that perfect title that sells your book for you including fitting your title to the genre, preventing buyer disappointment, when to freeze the title, and making the most of synergy.
Ms. Stapperfenne is a mystery-writer in southern New Jersey. Having majored in college in thrillers, having majored in Psychology and Deviant Behavior, with anemphasis on mass murderers prepared her fo rbeing an author of psycho-thrillers. Her most recent titles include Cremator’s Revenge, Deadly Duplicates, and Don’t Go Alone! She is also a radio personality with her own
talk show on Internet Voices Radio.