On Thursday, June 21st at 8:00PM EDT we spoke with Janet Walters and Jane Toombs about essential mistakes that every writer must work to avoid and how to proactively defend against these issues. For example, we covered “Show vs. Tell” in conveying action, preventing “False Starts” to make sure your story starts and ends in the right place, and the nature of dialogue and what it should convey, to name a few topics in this jam-packed interview. | ![]() |
Janet Walters is both a nurse and a novelist. She has published 28 novels and four non-fiction books over a 30-year writing career, three of these written as a ghost-writer. Janet has written in many genres including: Romances from sweet to spicy and from contemporary to historical. She has written paranormal and fantasies, cozy mysteries and suspense.
In 2003, Becoming Your Own Critique Partner (with Jane Toombs) won the EPPIE award for non-fiction. Jane Toombs is the author of eighty some published books and fifteen or so novellas or short stories. She writes in all genres except men’s action and erotica, though paranormal is her favorite to read and write. |
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