Join us on Internet Voices Radio on Thursday, Dec. 21st, 2006 at 8PM EDT as we speak with author, editory, and book coach Joan Neubauer of Joan will share with us the secrets of good storytelling that all fiction authors must know. Specifically, she’ll touch on story construction–from beginning to end, narrative, characterization, dialog, and conflict. Joan is author or co-author of more than a dozen books and brings considerable editorial experience to this week’s discussion.
Joan and her husband Steve Neubauer own and operate, Inc., a publishing house in Alpine, Texas. “We’re an author incubator,” Joan says. “We want to nurture authors and help them develop into the fine writers and promoters they can become.” Joan takes her own advice and is making a name for herself, her publishing house, and her authors. WordWright has acquired a reputation as one of the finest publishing houses to showcase new authors. Since 2000, WordWright has published over one hundred fifty titles for new authors. WOW!
Joan continues to write books, articles, and columns. She also travels extensively to promote her books and her publishing house. She is available to speak on a variety of subjects for writers groups, corporate functions, civic and service organizations, and schools.