Writer Watchdog has burst on to an already overcrowded self-publishing and author marketplace. Why should we care? Because it is jam-packed with resources and no-nonsense information that you would have to attend an entire publishing conference to get any other way.The most interesting part for me was the “Articles” section. If you follow the proven success strategies that these contributors provide, your product will be head-and-shoulders above the rest. The advice provided within is from industry experts who have already made all the mistakes and are trying to help you down the right publishing paths. Among other things, this book contains the only intelligent discussion of the pros and cons of buying your own ISBN ids that I have yet found. I’m going to use Corey Blake’s article on loglines right now to write a backcover for an upcoming book. Without his simple outline, I would be adrift. It’s that simple.Writer Watchdog 2009 has teething pains, just like any such ambitious project should have in its first outing. Three things which will improve the 2010 edition: 1. An index 2. Alphabetize all resources 3. Fill in missing page numbers in the Table of Contents But these are just minor nits and I guarantee you will find much more than your 20 bucks worth of value in between the covers. |
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