On June 21st, 2009 Irene Watson and Victor R. Volkman spoke with professional speaker, humorist, and author Tweed Scott about how to profitably combine speaking and sales events. Tweed is an award winning speaker and the author of the 3-time national award-winning book, Texas In Her Own Words. He has sold nearly 5,000 copies of his book almost exclusively by hand selling in the back of the room after one of his presentations. He’s here to share with you how he does it and how you can do it too. Tweed shared about what went into developing his marketing plan that led to the back of the room sales and a speaking career. Key points include
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Tweed Scott is the owner of Tejas Communications, a writing and public speaking company. His book is sold at some remarkable places including the Alamo, The Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum, both of the State capitol building gift shops, San Jacinto Monument & Battleground, the Sam Houston Statue & Park in Huntsville and even at the general store in Luckenbach.He is also the president of the board of the Writers’ League of Texas. He speaks statewide about Texas and the Texan character. Tweed loves spreading what he calls the ‘Gospel of Texas.’ He speaks nationally on Attitude, Leadership and Change. |
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