Join us on Internet Voices Radio on Thursday, Nov. 30th, 2006 at 8PM EDT as we speak with author and self-publisher Karolina V. Linares of Use Cash To Buy It dot com. Her book is all about how she took the proper steps to break free from over using and abusing credit cards in her life. After taking close to five years of paying off her outrageous credit card debt, it dawned on her that she could really help other people in the same predicament. We’ll retrace the path she took to produce this remarkable book. Along the way, we’ll see how you can put her hard-won lessons to use in your own writing and publishing venture. Specifically, she’ll touch on these topics
- Use Cash To Publish
- Planning a budget to publish
- Your own talent, what you can do to save money and only expend time.
- Sticking to a plan of staying with in the budget
- Keeping a debt free attitude about publishing your creation
- Utilizing only profits for further marketing of your book
Karolina V. Linares was born in Prague, Czechoslavakia (now Czech Republic). Her family immigrated to the USA in 1969. By trade, Karolina is a graphic artist and sign designer, for over twenty years. Graphic arts, fine arts, music, cooking, sailing and of course writing are her passions. She is happily married to Julian Linares who inspired “Use Cash To Buy It!”. Together, they live a very easy going financial lifestyle based on use cash principles, even in our age of electronic transactions.