Deltina Hay – Book Marketing on the Mobile Web

 On December 22nd, 2012 Tyler R. Tichelaar and Victor R. Volkman spoke withDeltina Hay, author of The Bootstrapper’s Guide to the Mobile Web and The Social Media Survival Guide, is a web developer, publisher, and small business owner. She is the founder of Plumb Web Solutions, helping small businesses and publishers with website creation; search and social media optimization; and content marketing.  Deltina informed us on several points of interest including

  • How is the mobile web different than the regular Internet?
  • Why do I need a mobile version of my website?
  • Mobile apps are all the rage, but do I need one?
  • I hear some people are offering their books as mobile apps. How can I do that?
  • What should I do differently when marketing to smartphone users?
  • What are QR codes, and how can I leverage them to sell my books?
  • How can I leverage location-based services like foursquare and Google places?
  • What should I know about the future of mobile marketing – such as augmented reality and NFC chips
  • How do I choose platforms: Android or iOS (iPad/iPhone)

Deltina Hay

Deltina Hay

 Hay presently teaches the graduate level Social Media Certificate program for Drury University, and teaches classes on She serves on the Board of Directors for the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), and the International Marketing Standards Board.  /

The Bootstrapper's Guide to the Mobile Web: Practical Plans to Get Your Business Mobile in Just a Few Days for Just a Few Bucks

The Bootstrapper’s Guide to the Mobile Web

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About Victor Volkman

Author of "Beyond Trauma: Conversations on Traumatic Incident Reduction" and six other books.
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