Tyler R. Tichelaar holds a Master’s from Northern Michigan University and a Ph.D. from Western Michigan University. His family’s long relationship with Upper Michigan and his avid interest in genealogy inspired Dr. Tichelaar to write his Marquette Trilogy about his hometown. Along the way, he has become an acknowledged expert on Regional Writing. Tyler will be speaking with us about what Regional Writing is and how you can take advantage of regional markets. We’ll also talk about key ingredients for success in regional fiction and how you can get started in this fun and challenging genre. | |
Tyler/s trilogy covers 150 years of Marquette, Michigan’s history from the town’s founding in 1849 through its sesquicentennial celebrations in 1999. The titles in the trilogy are “Iron Pioneers”, “The Queen City”, and the soon to be released “Superior Heritage”. Tyler hopes his writing stimulates others to seek out and gain strength from their own family stories and the courage and uniqueness of the people who came before them. You can learn more about him at www.MarquetteFiction.com |
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