On August 30th, 2007 Irene Watson and Victor R. Volkman spoke with publishing agent Greg Daniel. Greg formed his own company this year after more than ten years in publishing, six of which were at the executive level at Thomas Nelson Publishers, the largest Christian publisher in the world. Most recently Greg was Vice President and Associate Publisher for W Publishing Group (formerly Word Publishing), a trade book division of Thomas Nelson. He shared with us key questions a new author has to answer:
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Throughout his publishing career, Greg has had the honor of working with in the past such critically acclaimed authors as Brian McLaren, Max Lukado, Phyllis Tickle, Mark Buchanan, Oz Guinness, and Ken Gire. Greg has also been involved with publishing books by a number of celebrity personalities, including Bono, George Foreman, syndicated radio hosts Rick and Bubba, and “Black Hawk Down” hero Captain Jeff Struecker.Greg has been responsible for such notable books as the ECPA Gold Medallion Award-winning books A Table in the Presence and Extreme Devotion. He teaches writing workshops at a handful of conferences each year . | ![]() |
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