On April 6th 2012, Tyler R. Tichelaar and Victor R. Volkman spoke with Yvonne Rose, Associate Publisher and Senior Editor at Amber Communications Group, Inc. Ms. Rose began her stint at Amber Books in 1998 as the co-author of the Company’s flagship title, the national bestseller, Is Modeling for You? The Handbook and Guide for the Young Aspiring Black Model. Yvonne Rose was appointed to head Quality Press and has turned a few thousands of Self-Published authors manuscripts into completed books. She spoke with us a wide-range of issues relating to African-American authors specifically and publishing in general
She recently published Ageless Beauty: The Ultimate Skincare and Makeup Book for Women and Teens of Color. (Amber Books). As the Director of Quality Press, Yvonne and her team of editors, designers and printers, oversee the editing, design/layout, registration and manufacturing of every self-published author’s books. She also consults with the authors regarding their marketing, production, promotional, distribution and publicity goals.Yvonne has ghost-written and co-written several top selling non-fiction titles, including: Natural Radiance: A Guide for Ethnic Skin Care (Global Skin Solutions Publishing) by Pamela Springer; Fighting for Your Life: The African American Criminal Justice Survival Guide (Amber Books) by John Elmore, Esq.; Led by the Spirit: A Sharecropper’s Son Tells His Story of Love, Happiness, Success and Survival (Strickland Books) by Robuster Strickland; Let Them Play…The Story of the MGAA (MGAA Books) by John David and A Journey that Matters: Your Personal Living Legacy (Lyceum Group Books) by Erline Belton. She is currently ghostwriting books for two high-profile personalities – retired Arizona Cardinal, Levvar Fisher, and WBLS New York Radio / Television host and personality Doctor Bob Lee. |
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I cant wait to read this book is such a good kind..Looking forward to buy..Thanks for the info..