Join us on Internet Voices Radio on Thursday, Jan. 11th, 2007 at 8PM EDT as we speak with author and marketing expert Dr. Bette Dauost of Several years ago, Dr. Daoust decided that she should keep track of all the things she was doing in order to have people know about her and her products. She decided to put into the mix her integrity, honesty, and drive to be successful. Continuing in this vein, she used her writing skills from the publication of over 150 books, articles, white papers, and training guides to create a new series of books that will help others ac
hieve business success. The Blueprints for Success Business Series was born.
Bette has an eclectic background in education, technology, and enterprise administration. She has worked with such companies as Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Accenture, Avaya, and many others. Her Ph.D. is in Business Management from Northcentral University located in Prescott Arizona. She is also a former President of the Fort Langley Chamber of Commerce, the past president of the Rotary Club of Langley Sunrise, past president of VISTA, current District Historian for Rotary District 5170, and part of the Board of Directors for other professional associations. Dr. Daoust’s true love is in sharing information with others and helping any business achieve a greater success.